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Tuesday, September 20, 2005



There have been many trite and annoying things written about gratitude, and I must admit I used to have a very cynical attitude to the whole gratitude movement. I used to think that people were being very unrealistic by believing that the very act of gratitude would increase abundance and happiness.

Then, I started to read about quantum mechanics, and religious texts, and general spirituality, and the stuff that used to sound trite and annoying began to seem very deep and true. The more I live in the moment, the more I feel blessed and lucky, and create my reality from that place. Happiness is a journey, constantly evolving as I myself evolve. I am vastly grateful to have had the ability to learn that.

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PS if you have a couple of minutes to spare, help out with a student research project - it's quick, easy, and it'll make his day! - take survery

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